Tag: health

  • Lets start from the Beginning!

    Part 1 – From then to now…

    It all started in 2003 – well that is when I got my law degree anyway! I can’t say that I worked super hard to get it – I did what I needed to do and got what I needed. As soon as I had graduated, I got a job as a Paralegal/Legal Executive in a city firm which I hated. There was so much competition that the relationship and environment between paralegals was toxic. Everyone trying to get one up on each other, stepping over one another and being ruthless to make themselves noticed by the Partners for when the time came that the application and interview process opened for Training Contracts. It put a very bitter taste in my mouth and I decided not to pursue it. I did not want to be that “cut throat” and lower myself to the level some had dropped too. Perhaps this all would have been different if I had had contacts in the Legal World and knew somebody who could have taken me on to mentor me. The problem was, that I was inexperienced, naïve and just didn’t have a clue!

    I left the legal world, and did other things, lived in other countries and tried new areas of work. I grew both professionally and mentally and after some time, it was my wife who encouraged me to go back into the legal world. I did. It was a rough 3/4 years in a firm that was as ruthless as the former paralegals I had escaped from! Perhaps worse! I stuck it, I did not sacrifice my own morals and did things right and proper. It was noticed a number of occasions, and I was not penalised for it. In fact, as time went on, I progressed through the firm, becoming quite high up. It was then that I decided to start my training contract and finish my practical training and qualify.

    After two years of working full time, a COVID pandemic and some bumps along the way, I qualified as a solicitor. One of the biggest reliefs and proudest moments of my life besides the usuals of marriage, children etc. etc.

    So that is a very quick overview of the then and brings us to now! I am a practicing solicitor in the area of Residential Conveyancing, Private Client and Civil Litigation. Quite a varied range of areas, each with their own joys, pains and challenges!

    The question is – what is the aim of this blog? I have read that it is a good way of decompressing! Writing about elements of your life in written form and thinking through it as you write can be therapeutic – so I am told. Perhaps I will see. Of course the big thing is that it is in a public forum – a danger, perhaps a risk! I don’t know. Time will tell. Maybe it will help others who read this who can learn from my mistakes, laugh with me at some of the situations I get myself into and who knows – see where it goes.

    Until next time…